


Large Data Center Solution

Large Data Center Solution

With continuous expansion in data center size, the equipment density will keep increasing and the core load is becoming more and more important, with higher and higher requirements for the environment, power supply and cooling. Meanwhile, the green energy-saving is also a big difficulty in the way of current construction and future O & M process. Large Data Center Solution is applicable to the large data center and head office with an area with a single layer less than 4000 square meters.
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Medium Data Center Solution

Reliable service of computer mainframe equipment and network plays a vital role in the information system and e-commerce. With the development of business, how to allocate the limited space reasonably, including the expansion possibility of power supply and cooling, as well as manageability and reliability, etc., becomes the critical problem for the investor of medium data center construction.
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Medium Data Center Solution
Parallel Operation & Dual Bus Power Supply Scheme

Parallel Operation & Dual Bus Power Supply Scheme

With continuous expansion in data center size, the equipment density will keep increasing and the core load is becoming more and more important, with higher and higher requirements for the environment, power supply and cooling. Meanwhile, the green energy-saving is also a big difficulty in the way of current construction and future O & M process.
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Single Unit Bus System Control Scheme

With continuous expansion in data center size, the equipment density will keep increasing and the core load is becoming more and more important, with higher and higher requirements for the environment, power supply and cooling. Meanwhile, the green energy-saving is also a big difficulty in the way of current construction and future O & M process.
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Single Unit Bus System Control Scheme