



Kehua Ranked 5th in 2020 Global Energy Storage Inverter Market Share


According to Global Energy Storage Inverter (PCS) Report -2021 by IHS MARKIT which is a global information research organization, Kehua ranked  world 5th PCS inverter supplier in 2020.

According to the report, global energy storage inverter capacity is more than double in 2020 and has already exceeded 11GW, and the front-of-the-meter market capacity accounted for 73% of global shipments. Meanwhile, global PCS market is expected to reach $6.8 billion over the next 5 years.


As a significant player in the global energy storage market, Kehua's market share has risen from 8th to 5th in the past two years. Kehua has always been committed to providing reliable, high-quality, flexible and efficient products and solutions for global customers, giving full play to its 33 years of leading technology in power electronics technology, and making contributions to the development of clean energy.




Established in 1988 in China and went public in 2010, KEHUA is a world-leading power conversion expert, with the commitment to provide cutting-edge solutions in Critical Power, Renewables Energy and Could Infrastructure. Business involves UPS, solar inverter, energy storage, IDC construction and O&M. For more than 33 years of technology accumulation, KEHUA was rated as the Global TOP 500 New Energy Enterprises for 6 consecutive years. And its renewables product as well as solution have been widely recognized by customers from over 100+ countries and regions.

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