



Kehua Passed the Big Test of the First New Energy Side Energy Storage Power Station in Gansu with Its Strength


Recently, the first new energy side energy storage power station in Gansu Province using Kehua ESS system, Jiuquan Dongdongtan 6.75MW/10MWh energy storage system demonstration project, has successfully completed the on-site grid-related test, and can participate in power grid peak regulation and frequency regulation at any time. 


The Gansu Jiuquan Dongdongtan 6.75MW/10MWh energy storage system demonstration project located in the Dongdongtan photovoltaic power station of Jiuquan Dongfang Electric, Gansu Province. Kehua provided it with key integrated equipment such as the Containerized Energy Storage & Transformer Turnkey System. 

The process of this grid-related test includes active/reactive power regulation, overload capacity, power quality, charge-discharge response, charge-discharge adjustment, charge-discharge conversion, rated energy and conversion efficiency tests. Kehua ESS system successfully passed the test. 


Relying on more than 30 years of power and electronic technology accumulation, based on high security, better cost reduction and efficiency increase performance design, Kehua Digital Energy has created two PCS technology routes, modular and centralized, with an efficiency of 99.03%, covering 75-6900kW full power segment, and has integrated ESS solutions suitable for various scenarios such as power generation, grid side, and user side. 

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