



Congratulations! Kehua Won TIER IV Ready Designation from Uptime Institute


Xiamen, Sept 26th, 2021/ Kehua Wise Modular Data Center Solution (Kehua WiseMDC), with its excellent reliability and advanced intelligent technology, received the TIER IV Ready Designation issued by Uptime Institute. It is a "Gold Certificate" in the data center industry. After rigorous review, Kehua WiseMDC with outstanding feature of fault tolerance design optimized by intelligent O&M system,  has been proven ready to support a “Concurrently Maintainable and Fault Tolerant Design".


Kehua WiseMDC provides High Reliability and Easy O&M services for customers

1. Core equipment health management, predict the risk of failure and ensure system safety and reliability

2. 2N redundant design in core equipment, ensure operation reliability

3 Intelligent O&M, 3D visual management, and unmanned remote inspection



About Uptime Institute

Founded in 1993, the Uptime Institute has been dedicated to the exploration and study of data center infrastructure for 28 years and is a globally recognized data center standards organization and third-party certification authority. The standards it has developed are an important standard basis for the certification of data center infrastructure availability, reliability and O&M service capabilities.


About TIER-Ready

 Uptime Institute’s Tier Standard is the globally recognized standard for data center reliability and overall performance. A modular data center product with this certification means higher reliability and greater market acceptance.


TIER Ready, as an authority of the product reliability certification for evaluating modular data centers, transforms engineering certification into product reliability certification for modular data centers. The TIER-Ready certification is divided into four tiers from the basic level I to the highest level IV to help customers better identify the reliability of modular data center products and understand the technical advancement and reliability of the products.

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